Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day Two: Nine things about yourself.

1. I am small.. yes, hence my msn is midgetboy1217

2. I'm actually really open about myself.. if you ask.. and i trust you.... and i know your pretty well

3. I do dream about getting tank.. just never got around to getting tank

4. I fucking love sport!!!!

5. I fucking suck at maths

6. Use to play saxaphone and drums.. wish i still did

7. Put my finger in a blender in year 7.. had 7 stiches

8. I like all kinds of music... music is great.. always is bound to relax me whenever i am stressed or in a depressed mood but also pumps me up :D

9. You know what... i always have a sensitive side for girls.... some of them can win my heart the instant i look at them

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