Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day One…..Ten things I’d say to Ten People.

1. Look, I know some guys are dicks, but i am trying my best not to be a dick here. Sorry if i am a dick to you, but please do understand i am trying my best not to be a dick to you

2. Oh my god you are so cute and kawaii i want to pinch your cheeks

3. I just wanted to tell you, you have the most amazing dimples and i really like your hair

4. yeah didn't see it, i blame my asian eyes

5. Fuck you cunt your dead!

6. yeah whatever floats your boat mate

7. I'm not that short come on mate

8. Read your text messages you fucking shit!

9. Mate.. your not that good at basketball:P

10. I love you forever and ever and ever

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