Friday, November 26, 2010

2010: A year to remember

So i've decided to review this year early as I will soon be going overseas to Hong Kong, China and Malaysia, hence not giving me a whole lot of time to do a review of 2010. To sum up, it has been a special year. I have learnt a whole lot of things from all those around me. lots of people have impacted my life so much now, im glad to have them

Events to remember:
- Spain wins the fifa world cup
- AFL drawn grand final
- L.A lakers win again
- Chilean mine
- New Zealand Mine
- Commonwealth Games
- Aussie cricket team..mass fail

Postives from this year:
- I finally had the courage to ask out a girl who i liked for two years. Eventhough the result was not the one i wished it was to be, i am able to draw from this experience and hopefully call upon it when nessecary in the future
- Learning that the small things are what makes me happy in life
- Finally got over my procrastination problem of homework and handed in all my assignments and homework
- Finding a new level of appreciation for music
- Discovered a new level of appreciation and respect towards females
- Learnt beautiful is such a deep and meaningful word that carries a lot of meaning
- Met so many new people, who have become close friends, and have played a pivotal role in my life always there when i need them
- Became a fitter person, i achieved the result i wanted in the beep test
- Ran well in cross country
- Had an amazing year at school, thanks to an awesome as class
- Badminton is a sport i have now learnt to love
- Learnt how to ski
- Appreciation of Singing- It is so meaningful in many ways
- Cutdown on pepsi consumption

- SHit at basketball, my shooting is absolute shit
- Drifted away from some friends, its life i guess
- Shit results in maths.. yes as an asian i want good results in maths
- Think i could of tried harder
- Have said stupid things to people
- Lost peoples trust
- Should taken up saxophone
- I have treated people unfairly
- Anger problems
- Stressing way too much

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